
Back in the day, yo as we learned
A man was not considered to be
Considered to be fully grown
 Has he not gone beyond the hills
 Has he not crossed the seven seas
 Yeah, seven seas at least

Now all them jokers kept around
Just like the scarecrows in hometown
Yeah, scarecrows in hometown
 From screen to screen they're travelling

   But I'm a wonderlust king
   I stay on the run
   Let me out
   Let me be gone
   In the world beat-up road sign
   I saw new history of a time
   New history of -

Through Siberian woods
Breaking up their neck
Yeah, breaking up their neck
 Chinese moving in,
 Building discoteques
 Yeah, building discoteques

Tran-Siberian sex toys and whatnot
Yeah, why not?
Well, at least it's something different
From what they got in every other airport

Я не еврей, но кое-что похоже
Соврать не даст ни Юра ни Сережа
Simply because I'm not a total gadjo
Да, я шут, я циркач, ну так что-же?

I travelled the world looking for understanding
Of the times that we live in
Hunting and gathering firsthand information
Challenging definitions of sin

I travelled the world looking for lovers
Of the ultimate beauty
But never settling in...

  I am a wonderlust king
  I stay on the run
  Let me out
  Let me be gone
  In the world's beat-up road sign
  I saw new history of a time
  New history of-

And presidents
And billionaires
And generals
They'll never know
They'll never know
What I have owned
What I have owned...

I am a wonderlust king.

Популярность: 24, Last-modified: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 22:04:28 GmT